Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada


{{#singleValueMap}}{{ProductName}} {{/singleValueMap}}

{{#singleValueMap}}{{FundName}} {{/singleValueMap}}

{{#singleValueMap}}{{PlanDate}} {{/singleValueMap}}

The Deferred Sales Charge (DSC) option and Low Load (LL) Sales Charge option are not available for new purchases. Switching from a fund previously purchased under DSC or LL Sales Charge options to other DSC or LL funds, will be permitted.

Quick facts

{{#isUnderlying}} {{/isUnderlying}} {{^isUnderlying}} {{/isUnderlying}} {{#isUnderlying}} {{/isUnderlying}} {{^isUnderlying}} {{/isUnderlying}}
Date fund created Date series available Total value of the fund Total value onUnderlying fund managerFund managerUnderlying fund sub-advisorFund sub-advisorPortfolio turnover rate
{{#singleValueMap}}{{DateFund}} {{/singleValueMap}} {{#singleValueMap}}{{DateSeries}} {{/singleValueMap}} {{#singleValueMap}}{{TotalValueAmount}} {{/singleValueMap}} {{#singleValueMap}}{{TotalValueOn}} {{/singleValueMap}} {{#singleValueMap}}{{FundManager}} {{/singleValueMap}} {{#singleValueMap}}{{SubAdvisor}} {{/singleValueMap}} {{#singleValueMap}}{{TurnOver}}{{/singleValueMap}}{{^isTunoverisNA}} %{{/isTunoverisNA}}
{{#isGuaranteeSeriesAvailable}} {{/isGuaranteeSeriesAvailable}} {{#guarantees}} {{#isGuaranteeSeriesAvailable}} {{/isGuaranteeSeriesAvailable}} {{/guarantees}}
{{#isSunGifSoln}}Guarantee Series - Sales charge option{{/isSunGifSoln}}{{^isSunGifSoln}}Sales charge option{{/isSunGifSoln}}Minimum investment Management expense ratio (MER) (%) Net asset value per unit Number of units outstanding
{{seriesName}}{{minimumInvestment}} {{mer}} {{netAsset}} {{numberUnits}}
{{#isFundLessThanOneYear}}*MERs are estimated in the first year.{{/isFundLessThanOneYear}}

What does the fund invest in?


The fund invests in the {{#singleValueMap}}{{UnderlyingFund}} {{/singleValueMap}}(the "underlying fund”). {{#singleValueMap}}{{FundObjective}} {{/singleValueMap}}


{{#singleValueMap}}{{FundObjective}} {{/singleValueMap}}


The charts below give you a snapshot of the {{#isUnderlying}}underlying fund{{/isUnderlying}}{{^isUnderlying}}fund{{/isUnderlying}}'s investments on {{#singleValueMap}}{{TotalValueOn}}{{/singleValueMap}}. The fund’s investments will change.

Top 10 investments ({{singleValueMap.TotalValueOn}})

{{^top10HoldingsAvailable}}This information is not available as this is a new fund.{{/top10HoldingsAvailable}} {{#top10HoldingsAvailable}}
  1. {{holdingName}}
    {{#subHoldingNames}}  {{.}}
  2. {{/holdings}}
  3. Total percentage of top 10 investments {{totalPercentOfTop10Investments}}

Total number of investments {{singleValueMap.TotalNumberOfInvestments}}


Investment mix ({{singleValueMap.TotalValueOn}})

{{^assetMixAvailable}} This information is not available as this is a new fund. {{/assetMixAvailable}} {{#assetMixAvailable}} An Image
{{#assetMixes}} {{/assetMixes}}
Asset mix
Asset Name Percentage
{{assetMixName}} {{assetMixPercentage}}

How has the fund performed?

This section tells you how the fund has performed over the past 10 years for an investor who chooses the basic guarantee. Returns are after the MER has been deducted. It's important to note that this doesn't tell you how the fund will perform in the future. Also, your actual return will depend on the guarantee option you choose and on your personal tax situation.

Average return (%)


As at {{singleValueMap.TotalValueOn}}, a person who invested $1,000 in the fund on {{singleValueMap.DateSeries}} now has {{singleValueMap.ReturnAmount}}. This works out to an annual compound return of {{singleValueMap.ReturnRate}}%.

{{/isReturnRate}} {{^isReturnRate}}

The average return for this fund is not available as this is a new fund.


Year-by-year returns (%)


This chart shows how units of the fund have performed in the past {{numberOfYears}} years. In the last {{numberOfYears}} years the fund was up in value {{maxReturnYear}} years, and down in value {{minReturnYear}} years. The range of returns and change from year to year can help you assess how risky the fund has been in the past. It does not tell you how the fund will perform in the future.

{{/isyearByYearReturnAvailable}} {{^isyearByYearReturnAvailable}}

The year by year returns are not available as this is a new fund.


Bar Chart
Fund average return percentages
Year Fund Name Percentage

How risky is it?

The value of the fund can go down as well as up. You could lose money.

One way to gauge risk is to look at how much a fund’s returns change over time. This is called “volatility”.

In general, funds with higher volatility will have returns that change more over time. They typically have a greater chance of losing money and have a greater chance of higher returns. Funds with lower volatility tend to have returns that change less over time. They typically have lower returns and may have a lower chance of losing money.

Risk rating

Sun Life has rated the volatility of this fund as {{singleValueMap.RiskRatingValue}}. This rating is based on how much the fund’s returns have changed from year to year. It doesn’t tell you how volatile the fund will be in the future. The rating can change over time. A fund with a low risk rating can still lose money.

For more information about the risk rating and specific risks that can affect the fund’s returns, see the “potential risks of investing” section of the information folder.

Low Low to medium Medium Medium to High High
{{#lowRisk}}Potential risks of investing{{/lowRisk}} {{^lowRisk}} {{/lowRisk}} {{#lowMedRisk}}Potential risks of investing{{/lowMedRisk}} {{^lowMedRisk}} {{/lowMedRisk}} {{#medRisk}}Potential risks of investing{{/medRisk}} {{^medRisk}} {{/medRisk}} {{#medHighRisk}}Potential risks of investing{{/medHighRisk}} {{^medHighRisk}} {{/medHighRisk}} {{#highRisk}}Potential risks of investing{{/highRisk}} {{^highRisk}} {{/highRisk}}

Who is this fund for?

This fund is for investors who:

  • {{.}}
  • {{/reasonsToInvest}}


Are there any guarantees?

This fund is being offered under an insurance contract. It comes with guarantees that may protect your investments if the markets go down. The MER includes a separate insurance fee that is charged for the guarantee. For details, please refer to the information folder and contract.

How much does it cost?

The following tables show the fees and expenses you could pay to buy, own and sell units of the fund. The fees and expenses – including any commissions – can vary among series of a fund and among funds. Higher commissions can influence advisors to recommend one investment over another. Ask about other funds and investments that may be suitable for you at a lower cost.


Sales charge options

Front-end load (FEL) sales charge

What you pay

  • 0% of the purchase price of the units you buy.

How it works

  • No front end load (FEL) sales charge can be charged on this fund. You and your advisor negotiate the fee when you switch from this fund to units of other funds available under your contract.
{{#isSunGifSoln}} {{^isDeferFundClass}}

Deferred sales charge (DSC), Low load (LL) sales charge, Advisor chargeback (CB)

What you pay

  • No deferred sales charge (DSC), low load (LL) sales charge or advisor chargeback (CB) is applicable to premiums deposited to this fund.. DSC or LL sales charges and CB are based on the original purchase date of units fund switched into or out of this fund. For more information on the original purchase date, refer to the How it works section.

How it works

  • No sales charge applies to premiums deposited to this fund. A fund switch from units of this fund to units of another fund with a DSC, LL sales charge or CB will result in the applicable DSC, LL or CB schedule applying to those units acquired, and the date of the fund switch will be treated as the date of purchase of the units.
  • If units of this fund are acquired as a result of a fund switch from units of another fund with a DSC, LL or CB sales charge option, the DSC, LL or CB schedule which previously applied to the units switched will continue to apply to the units of this fund acquired. That schedule will continue to apply if those units are switched to another fund in the future.
  • You do not pay a fee when you buy units of this fund.
{{/isDeferFundClass}} {{#isDeferFundClass}}

Deferred sales charge (DSC), Low load (LL) sales charge

What you pay

  • No deferred sales charge (DSC) or lo load (LL) sales charge is applicable to premiums deposited to this fund. You may pay a DSC or LL sales charge based on the original purchase date of units fund switched into or out of this fund. For more information on the original purchase date, refer to the How it works section.

How it works

  • No sales charge applies to premiums deposited to this fund. A fund switch from units of this fund to units of another fund with a DSC or LL sales charge will result in the applicable DSC or LL schedule applying to those units acquired, and the date of the fund switch will be treated as the date of purchase of the units.
  • If units of this fund are acquired as a result of a fund switch from units of another fund with a DSC or LL sales charge option, the DSC or LL schedule which previously applied to the units switched will continue to apply to the units of this fund acquired. That schedule will continue to apply of these units are switched to another fund in the future.
  • You do not pay a fee when you buy units of this fund.
{{/isDeferFundClass}} {{/isSunGifSoln}} {{^isSunGifSoln}}

Deferred sales charge (DSC), Low load (LL) sales charge

What you pay

  • No deferred sales charge (DSC) or lo load (LL) sales charge is applicable to premiums deposited to this fund. You may pay a DSC or LL sales charge based on the original purchase date of units fund switched into or out of this fund. For more information on the original purchase date, refer to the How it works section.

How it works

  • No sales charge applies to premiums deposited to this fund. A fund switch from units of this fund to units of another fund with a DSC or LL sales charge will result in the applicable DSC or LL schedule applying to those units acquired, and the date of the fund switch will be treated as the date of purchase of the units.
  • If units of this fund are acquired as a result of a fund switch from units of another fund with a DSC or LL sales charge option, the DSC or LL schedule which previously applied to the units switched will continue to apply to the units of this fund acquired. That schedule will continue to apply of these units are switched to another fund in the future.
  • You do not pay a fee when you buy units of this fund.
{{/isSunGifSoln}} {{/isfELLow}} {{^isfELLow}} {{#isFelFundClass}}

Sales charge options

There are no sales charges payable for this class.

{{/isFelFundClass}} {{^isFelFundClass}}

Sales charge options

Front-end load (FEL) sales charge

What you pay

{{singleValueMap.FELLow}}% to {{singleValueMap.FELHigh}}% of the purchase price of the units you buy.

How it works

  • You and your advisor negotiate this fee, which may be up to {{singleValueMap.FELHigh}}% of the cost of the units and you pay this fee to the distributor when you buy the units.
{{/isFelFundClass}} {{^isDeferFundClass}}

Deferred sales charge (DSC)

What you pay

If you withdraw during:

{{#dscList}} {{/dscList}}
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 After Year 7

How it works

  • When you make a premium payment and purchase deferred sales charge units, Sun Life pays the distributor a commission of {{singleValueMap.AdvisorCommission}}%. Any deferred sales charge you pay goes to Sun Life.
  • You do not pay a fee when you purchase deferred sales charge units. However, if you redeem units within seven years of making a premium payment and purchasing deferred sales charge units, you will pay a redemption fee that starts at up to {{singleValueMap.advisor_commision_DCS}}% of the original cost of the units and declines over time.
  • This sales charge is a set rate. It is deducted from the amount you redeem.
  • Each year you can deduct up to 10% (20% for RRIF contracts) of the units you held on December 31 of the previous year plus 10% of the units you bought during the current year, with no deferred sales charge.
  • You can switch to units of other funds under the insurance contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge as long as you do not change your sales charge option. The deferred sales charge schedule will be based on the date you bought your first fund.

Low load (LL) sales charge

What you pay

If you withdraw during:

{{#llscList}} {{/llscList}}
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 After Year 3

How it works

  • When you make a premium payment and purchase low-load sales charge units, Sun Life pays the distributor a commission of 2.5%. Any deferred sales charge you pay goes to Sun Life.
  • You do not pay a fee when you purchase low load sales charge units. However, if you redeem units within three years of making a premium payment and purchasing low load sales charge units, you will pay a redemption fee that starts at up to {{singleValueMap.advisor_commision_LLSC}}% of the original cost of the units and declines over time.
  • This sales charge is a set rate. It is deducted from the amount you redeem.
  • Each year you can deduct up to 10% (20% for RRIF contracts) of the units you held on December 31 of the previous year plus 10% of the units you bought during the current year, with no deferred sales charge.
  • You can switch to units of other funds under the insurance contract at any time without paying a deferred sales charge as long as you do not change your sales charge option. The deferred sales charge schedule will be based on the date you bought your first fund.

Advisor Chargeback (CB) sales charge

What you pay

  • There are no charges to you.

How it works

  • When you make a premium payment and purchase the advisor chargeback option, Sun Life pays the distributor a sales commission of 3%, who pays your insurance advisor.
  • If you make a withdrawal within two years of making a premium payment, your distributor and insurance advisor may have to return all or a part of their sales commission to Sun Life.
  • The amount that would need to be returned is 3% in the first year, 2% in months 13-18 and 1% in months 19-24.
  • Each year you can redeem up to 10% (20% for RRIF contracts) of the units you held on December 31 of the previous year plus 10% of the units you bought during the current year, with no sales commission returned from your distributor or insurance advisor.
  • You can switch to units of other funds under the insurance contract at any time without your distributor or insurance advisor having to return all or a part of the sales commission as long as you do not change your sales charge option. The chargeback schedule will be based on the date you originally bought your first fund.
{{/isSunGifSoln}} {{/isDeferFundClass}} {{/isfELLow}}

Ongoing fund expenses

The MER includes the {{^isIOClass}}management fee and {{/isIOClass}}operating expenses of the fund. You do not pay the MER directly. The MER includes the insurance cost of the guarantee. It affects you because it reduces the return you get. For details about how the guarantees work, see the information folder and contract.

{{#guaranteeSeriesAvailable}} {{/guaranteeSeriesAvailable}} {{#guarantees}} {{#guaranteeSeriesAvailable}} {{/guaranteeSeriesAvailable}} {{/guarantees}}
Guarantee series MER(%)

Trailing commission

  • The trailing commission is an ongoing commission. It is paid for as long as you own the fund. It is for the services and advice that your advisor and distributor provide to you.
  • Sun Life pays a trailing commission of up to {{singleValueMap.TrailingCommission}}% to your distributor. It is paid from the fund's management fee and is based on the value of your investment. The rate depends on the sales option you choose.
{{/isTraillingCommisionAvailable}} {{^isTraillingCommisionAvailable}}

No trailing commissions are paid for this series.


Other fees

You may have to pay other fees when you purchase, switch and transition units of the fund.

  • Early withdrawal fee — 2% of the value of the units you withdraw within {{singleValueMap.WithdrawDays}} days of buying them.
  • {{#isIOClass}}
  • Service fee — When you purchase O class units you agree to pay your distributor an service fee. We collect this fee plus applicable taxes on your distributor’s behalf by redeeming O class units from your contract monthly proportionately from each fund. The redemption of units to pay the fee does not affect your guarantees. You may negotiate the service fee with your insurance advisor. It must not be more than 1.00% annually, plus applicable taxes.
  • Management fees — O class management fees are the maximum annual management fees that may be charged to you. These fees may be reduced by the management fee reduction based on the daily total market value of Private Client eligible units in your contract. O class management fees plus applicable taxes are collected by redeeming your O class units and do not include the service fee. The management fee is {{singleValueMap.MgmtFee}}%.
    These fees are in addition to the MER of the fund. For more information refer to Section 10 Private Client program of the Sun GIF Solutions Information Folder.
  • {{/isIOClass}}

What if I change my mind?

You can change your mind about your investment in a fund within two business days of the earlier of the date you received confirmation or five business days after it is mailed. You can also change your mind about subsequent transactions you make under the contract within two business days of the earlier of the date you received confirmation or five business days after it is mailed. In this case the right to cancel only applies to the new transaction.

You have to tell us in writing by email, fax or letter that you want to cancel. The amount returned will be the lesser of the amount you invested or the value of the fund if it has gone down. The amount returned only applies to the specific transaction and will include a refund of any fees you paid.

For more information

This summary may not contain all the information you need. Please read the information folder and contract and guarantee series supplements.

Contact Sun Life Financial or your advisor for additional information. Visit to view the fund facts for all available funds.

Sun Life Financial
227 King Street South Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4C5