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Who we are

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We are built differently

There are a lot of reasons we have become one of the fastest-growing retail and institutional managers in Canada. And the strength of our parent company is just one. 

Watch the video to learn more.

Finding certainty in a world of risk

Building a secure financial future in a world of permanent uncertainty has never been harder. But our unwavering commitment to helping investors build wealth and manage risk, is why Canadians have increasingly embraced our products and services.

Finding certainty in a world of risk

Building a secure financial future in a world of permanent uncertainty has never been harder. But our unwavering commitment to helping investors build wealth and manage risk, is why Canadians have increasingly embraced our products and services.

We bring the world to your portfolio

Building wealth today requires you to look beyond Canada’s borders. We are part of the Sun Life group of companies, a global asset manager with offices in nearly 20 countries and over $1 trillion under management.1 And we’ve built a truly global investment platform by combining the strength of Sun Life with world class asset managers.

Managed portfolios: pension-like focus

Pension plans focus on managing risk. Similarly, with Sun Life Granite Managed Portfolios, you work with your advisor to choose a portfolio that suits your risk tolerance, ranging from conservative to growth. Our portfolio managers take over from there with a pension-like strategy – monitoring the portfolios to maximize return potential.

Investing with guarantees

Our Sun Life Guaranteed Investment Funds (GIFs) can protect your savings, and allow you to lock-in a lifetime of guaranteed income. These segregated fund contracts offer the benefits of protection and potential for investment growth. And Sun Life Global Investments stands out as a company that can offer investments with or without guarantees, allowing you to address even more dimensions of risk.

More choice with our sub-advised funds

No single company can be the best in every investment category. That is why we offer a broad lineup of mutual funds, sub-advised by carefully-chosen domestic and international investment managers. Through Sun Life’s relationships with investment companies around the world, established over decades, we have access that few investment companies can match.

Consider the value of advice

The most important advice we can give you is to work with an advisor. Why? Evidence clearly shows that households with an advisor have greater net wealth than those that don’t.2  That is why we stand shoulder-to-shoulder with advisors, offering the products and strategies they need to plan for your financial future.

Growth in financial assets over time of households that received advice compared to those that did not receive advice.

In 4-6 years - 1.7 times increase; in 7-14 years - 2.9 times increase; in 15+ years - 3.9 times increase.

Our commitment to responsible investing

From clean energy, to labour standards or board composition, what a company does can have direct and long-lasting implications for its business. That is why Sun Life Global Investments supports the United Nation (UN)’s Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). This underscores the critical importance we see in making environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors a key part of our investment strategy. Does this make good business sense? It does, because increasingly issues surrounding governance, environmental risk or a company’s social reputation can directly affect an investment’s performance.


Learn how we are making ESG factors a key part of our investment strategy

Sun Life Global Investments: By the numbers

  • We work with institutional managers to offer mandates not available elsewhere in Canada to retail investors

  • Sun Life: 150+ years of growing and protecting wealth for Canadians (since 1865)

  • Sun Life Global Investments: over $55 billion AUM3          

    Sun Life: over $1 trillion AUM1

  • Scale = pricing power and broad global reach


  • Insurance roots = strong risk management culture


A sub-advisor network spanning the globe: Amundi, Birla, BlackRock, Dynamic, JPMorgan, KBIGI, Lazard, MFS, NWQ, Schroders, SLC Management, Wellington. Strong risk management oversight.

1 AUM as of March 31, 2024.

2 Source: Financial Advice in Canada, 2022 and CIRANO 2020 More on the Value of Financial Advisors.

3 AUM as of March 31, 2024. Includes Institutional, mutual funds, payout annuities, guaranteed and Sun GIF. Institutional mandates are sub-advised by SLGI and offered as segregated funds by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada through Group Retirement Services.