Beware of Brand Impersonation Emails and Phone Calls: Sun Life will never call or email asking for personal, financial or e-transfer information to purchase a GIC or to settle an unclaimed insurance policy.

Protect yourself from brand impersonation scams

  • Insurance GICs

    Insurance GICs are accumulation annuities that combine the benefits of guaranteed investment certificates with the protection and estate planning advantages of an insurance contract. We offer Superflex and Income Master*.

  • Trust GICs

    Trust GICs are guaranteed investment certificates that protect your principal and guarantee an interest rate for reliable growth. They help safeguard your savings from the ups and downs of the market.  We offer Sun GIC Max and SLF Trust GIC**.

We offer a range of guaranteed investment products designed to meet different needs.

Explore our Insurance GICs and Trust GICs

Superflex Superflex


Superflex provides a simple and sensible way to grow and protect savings.

Income Master Income Master

Income Master*

Income Master provides an easy way to convert a registered Superflex into an income stream at retirement.

Sun GIC Max Sun GIC Max

Sun GIC Max**

Sun GIC Max is a non-redeemable GIC that offers higher guaranteed interest rates and is suitable for those who don’t need access to their money prior to maturity.


SLF Trust GIC**

SLF Trust GIC provides guaranteed interest and allows  access to your money***

For information on Insurance GICs and Trust GICs in Chinese, please see below:

*Insurance GIC is an accumulation annuity issued by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada.

**SLF Trust GIC and Sun GIC Max are issued by Sun Life Financial Trust Inc.

***May be subject to market value adjustment.