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New applications - Rate commitments

Commitments for new applications – explanation

A client applying for a new contract may find a current interest rate attractive and wish to reserve that rate for an investment. We will provide a rate commitment for up to 45 days. In order to reserve a rate for an investment the requirements set out below must be met.

To secure the interest rate and obtain a 45 day rate commitment, contact us:

*Note: You must log-in to the site in order to access the Commit rate for new application document on the request centre.

We will confirm the rate by sending a confirmation email to be attached to the new application. The application and confirmation should be forwarded to our office through your regular process. We will establish the contract as soon as the signed application and deposit are received.

It is important that your client understands that the commitment reserves a specific interest rate and does not guarantee "the better of". If our current rate for that investment has increased by the date we receive the funds, we will apply the rate established under the rate commitment and not the current higher rate.