Practice management consulting

We help. You grow.

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Building a secure financial future in a world of permanent uncertainty has never been harder. But our unwavering commitment to helping investors build wealth and manage risk, is why Canadians have increasingly embraced our products and services. 

We have partnered with the practice management team at Sun Life Consulting to develop programs and services that can help advisors service various client needs.

Here's how we can work together: 

Business building

Develop business and skillset to improve client experiences.


Marketing yourself

Identity and share what makes you unique and how to help clients. 


Advice and stewardship

Build and solidify deep client relationships.


Move from idea to action. Sun Life Consulting can show you how.

Contact us today to get started.

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Meet the Sun Life Consulting team

Angelo Parziale
Director, Eastern Region

Alison Campbell
Director, Western Region

John Stewart
Director, Advice & Stewardship

Jillian Farrow
BA Hons, B.Ed
Director, Research & Development 

Erika Bauder
Specialist, Business Development 

Katie Grauer
BA Hons
Senior Manager,
Practice Management

Liz Pfohl
Senior Manager,
Advice & Stewardship