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Practice management consulting


Business building

Your plan is your compass.
Use it to structure, run and grow
your business.


Looking for proven practices of leading advisors, support managing
your business or tips on how to grow your practice? We can help.
Check out the featured programs and fill out the form below for a complete list of
programs and resources to help you build your business.

Sun Life Consulting featured programs

Client management

The success of your business hinges on your ability to build lasting relationships. Be strategic about the service you provide in order to delight your top clients.

Are you strategic in your client management?

Being intentional about the type of clients you serve, and the level of service you provide will allow you to dedicate the right amount of time and money to the clients who positively impact your business. Without a careful client management plan, you put yourself at risk of:

  • Dedicating time to clients who don’t contribute to the success of your business
  • Wasting time prospecting clients that you are not well positioned to serve
  • Spreading your resources too thin
  • Failing to meet expectations of top clients
  • Providing inconsistent experiences that obscure your brand image
  • Losing clients to competing advisors

Program resources

Contact your Sun Life Global Investments Wealth Sales Representative for a copy of these resources or complete the form below.

  • Ideal client analysis tool: Define your target market to focus business activities on the people you're best positioned to serve.

  • Client segmentation tool: Segment your clients using a combination of objective and subjective attributes to identify which clients to focus your time and attention on.

  • Client service model: Define the client service experience for each client segment in order to match the level of service to their needs and expectations.

Multi-disciplinary teams


Enhance your value to clients by supporting their full financial picture through the support of a fully equipped and specialised team.


What do clients want?

Clients’ expectations are evolving. They’re looking for white-glove service and support from an advisor that can cater to both their needs and wants. As a single advisor, it can be hard to do it all and meet the ever-growing needs of clients. Shifting your focus from the product to the relationship is easy to do when you have a multi-disciplinary team.


Your team has the power and capability to build a closer client-centric relationship while also elevating your business value. It’s important to have three core components in place when creating the foundation for your team:

  • Services,
  • Skills, and
  • Structures.

These components, when built together, work like gears in a finely tuned machine. But having one out of sync can cause the whole system to fail.

Program resources

Contact your Sun Life Global Investments Wealth Sales representative for a copy of these resources or complete the form below.

  • Team hiring guide: Use the five-step process to successfully form and lead a team.

Engaging women

Make a market correction. 40% of women feel overlooked by advisors.1 Learn how to engage women, understand their unique financial concerns, and tailor your communications to build long-term relationships.


Be inclusive, grow your business.

Women have more money and influence than ever before.

  • By 2028 Canadian women will control $4 trillion in assets2
  • Women are the recipients of a double wealth transfer3
  • Women are the breadwinners in more than 40% of Canadian households4

That’s a big opportunity for your practice. Taking the time to understand women’s unique needs and concerns can help you benefit from this growing market.


Women are 2.5 times more likely to refer than men.4 Loyal women clients have the potential to grow a strong client base. Still, the financial services industry - and many advisors within it - can fall short of engaging women effectively. It’s time for change. It’s time that we adapt and tailor our approach to engage and connect with women.


By connecting with women and delivering positive experiences, you can create clients for life and become a more inclusive advisor.

Program resources

Contact your Sun Life Global Investments Wealth Sales representative for a copy of these resources or complete the form below.

  • 3 simple steps to working with couples: Practical tips for being inclusive and achieving success with the couples you advise.

1 Winning with women, part II. New York Life Investments, 2020. Webinar.

2 The Changing Landscape of Women’s Wealth< CIBC Economics, 2019

3 Gaining perspective on women in wealth transfer and overall wealth planning, RBC Wealth Management, 2017

4 Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report The Economic Well-Being of Women in Canada, Stats Canada, 2018

Client advisory Councils

As industry and client expectations continue to evolve, it can be difficult for advisors to anticipate what clients truly value.

A client advisory council provides a structured approach where advisors can regularly obtain feedback directly from clients, to better understand their experiences and perspective. By refining their offerings and services based on this input, advisors can implement changes that are directly aligned with what clients’ value most.

An impactful client advisory council can:

  • Differentiate your practice
  • Demonstrate commitment to growth
  • Elevate the client experience
  • Deepen client relationships
  • Generate referrals and attract new business

Program resources:

Contact your Sun Life Global Investments Wealth Sales representative for a copy of these resources or complete the form below..

Move from idea to action. Sun Life Consulting can show you how.

Contact us today to get started.

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