Practice management consulting

Marketing yourself

Attract new prospects and centres
of influence.


Carve out your niche. Sun Life Consulting has programs to support you throughout your marketing journey.
Check out the featured programs and fill out the form below for a complete list of
programs and resources to help you market yourself.

Sun Life Consulting featured programs

Defining your brand

Differentiate yourself by highlighting your unique value and characteristics. A brand sets you apart from other advisors. It’s the combination of tangible and intangible elements that differentiate you, and let prospects know what to expect from you.

Components of a brand

  • Your purpose: The reasons why you do what you do, including your vision, mission, and value proposition.
  • Brand story: Your answer to the question, “what do you do”?
  • Visual identity: The look and feel of your marketing material.

Benefits of defining your brand

  • Set yourself apart: Defining a brand is like building a reputation. It highlights to prospects why you’re unique and what you stand for.
  • Attract ideal clients: Communicating your purpose helps clients easily identify if you’re someone they’d like to work with.
  • Increase marketing effectiveness: Having a central theme and message to your communications helps people understand, recognise, and remember you.
  • Create loyalty and trust: Stating what you’re all about acts as a promise to prospects and clients. Staying consistent in the way you present yourself and serve clients builds commitment. 

Defining your brand is an important exercise for all advisors. Often, hiring a professional marketing agency can be the most effective way to create brand. Consider full service agencies who can help you define your purpose, create a visual identity, and help you implement it into your practice. 

Program resources

Contact your Sun Life Global Investments Wealth Sales representative for a copy of these resources or complete the form below.

  • My purpose workbook: This workbook will guide you through putting your purpose down on paper. It’ll help you bring your vision into focus, define your mission, craft your value proposition, and create your tagline. Define your target market to focus business activities on the people you're best positioned to serve.

  • Brand story worksheet: Use this worksheet to begin crafting your own brand story. 

  • Brand one-pager: This template will help you create a one-page summary of your brand. You can use it to introduce your team and your values to prospects, clients, and referral partners. 

Move from idea to action. Sun Life Consulting can show you how.

Contact us today to get started.

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