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Emerging Markets Funds

Emerging markets funds invest in companies from countries and regions whose markets are developing. These countries are still in an emerging growth phase and generally offer greater long term growth potential albeit with higher risks than developed market countries. Emerging markets typically refers to the countries that comprise the MSCI Emerging Markets index.

Benefits of emerging markets funds

  • Opportunity

    To invest in companies less followed by the market and growing consumer demand in these developing countries.

  • Growth potential

    Access to some of the world's fastest growing economies.

  • Diversification

    Diversification by investing in over two dozen countries with different economic drivers and divergent economic cycles.

  • Inside India

    As sub-advisor to Canada’s oldest India fund, Aditya Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Pte. Ltd. was there as India emerged as one of the world’s fast-growing economies. Today, with a vast workforce and rising prosperity, India is just getting started. Our India specialists will continue to target companies that place investors at the centre of this remarkable growth story.

    Take a closer look