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Private Client Program Announcement

Changes coming to simplify Private Client Program in November

July 31, 2020

We want to let you know about changes coming to our Private Client Program. Firstly, to better reflect the benefits this program provides to investors, we are changing its name to “Private Client Pricing.” On November 1, 2020, we will also be simplifying the program and making our pricing more competitive generally through the following changes:

A. Fee Reductions

Sun Life Global Investments is pleased to inform you that we will be reducing fees on Private Client eligible mutual fund series (managed by SLGI Asset Management Inc.) by 5 basis points.  In addition, we will be reducing the insurance fee for Investment Series of Private Client eligible funds in Sun GIF Solutions by 5 basis points.  The insurance fee reductions exclude funds available in Estate Series within Sun GIF Solutions, as well as funds available in Sun Protect GIFs and Sun Lifetime Advantage GIFs.

Investors will benefit from the lower fees regardless of the size of their holdings in the impacted funds, or their eligibility in Private Client Pricing.

B. Private Client Pricing-grid Structure

We are also changing the Private Client Pricing grid structure for both mutual funds and Sun Life GIFs: management fee rebates will now begin when the value of eligible assets held by an investor exceeds $250,000.

C. Mutual Fund Account and Sun Life GIF Contract Linking

Starting on November 1, 2020, eligible assets held in individual accounts or contracts identified as belonging to the same investor will be linked together for the purpose of determining management fee rebates and linking application forms will no longer be required.  In anticipation of this change, we will discontinue all new account linking starting on July 31, 2020, and until the automatic individual investor level linking comes into effect on November 1, 2020.

Existing households may remain linked until October 31, 2020. After this date, they will be re-linked at the individual investor level.  Aggregation of eligible assets held across mutual fund and Sun Life GIF assets will also be discontinued at that time.

Note: These changes will take place automatically; you do not have to take any action.

If you have any questions, please contact your Wealth Sales Representative or our Customer Care Center (1-877-344-1434 for Mutual Funds or 1-844-753-4437 for Sun Life GIFs). We are here to help.

SLGI Asset Management Inc. and Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada