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Sun GIF Solutions - Estate Series

Sun GIF Solutions Estate Series allows you to plan, protect and provide a meaningful legacy for your loved ones. The Estate Series provides a 100% death benefit guarantee, that can capture market growth with annual resets. Those resets* can allow you to protect those market gains and provide them to your loved ones.

Sun GIF Solutions Estate Series

Leaving a legacy for your loved ones is important to you. Estate Series can help build and protect that legacy.

Benefits Include: 

  • 100% death benefit guarantee - 
    greater of the death benefit guarantee (100% of the deposits) or the current market value.*

  • Annual resets - The death benefit guarantee is automatically locked-in annually if the market value is higher than the previous guaranteed amount, so your death benefit can increase.

    Sun GIF Solutions Estate Series

  • Access to money - You have potential access to money if needed. **

  • Provide maximum growth potential with 100% equity - Maximize your potential investment growth. Choose from a broad selection of funds. Depending on your risk tolerance, you can choose funds ranging anywhere from money market to 100% equities.

  • Access to high quality fund managers - 
    Make the most of the investment expertise of leading global portfolio managers

More Fund Information and Investment Options

For more information on the segregated funds, vist Prices and Performance

For more support materials, please visit Segregated funds marketing

*Annual resets of death benefit guarantee until age 80.

**Withdrawals affect the value of contract guarantees. See the Sun GIF Solutions Income Series Information folder and Contract for more information.