Beware of Brand Impersonation Emails and Phone Calls: Sun Life will never call or email asking for personal, financial or e-transfer information to purchase a GIC or to settle an unclaimed insurance policy.

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Sun Life GIFs Granite Managed Portfolios

A one-stop solution to help you achieve lifetime financial security without a lot of worry. No matter what stage of life or type of investor you are, Sun Life (GIFs) Granite Managed Portfolios offer a wide range of diversified portfolios that can help you meet your financial needs. Combine that diversification with the value of maturity and death benefit guarantees, as well as the insurance benefits of Sun Life GIFs suite of products, and you have a solution that’s built for your lifetime.

Sun Life Granite Managed Solutions1 Value Proposition

Sun Life Granite Managed Solutions Portfolio managers believe that no single investment manager can be the best in all asset classes. That’s why they partner with so many top-tier managers from around the world. These partnerships can help you achieve investment diversification and lifetime financial security.

Broad diversification

Broad diversification chart

Explore the Sun Life GIFs Granite Managed Portfolios investments:

For more information on the individual portfolios available, visit prices and performance

Sun Life GIFs Granite Chart

Target Income Portfolios

Sun Life GIFs Granite Income Portfolio

40% Equity / 60% Fixed Income
Low to Medium Risk

Sun Life GIFs Granite Enhanced Income Portfolio

50% Equity / 50% Fixed Income
Low to Medium Risk

Sun Life GIFs Granite Managed Portfolios are available in:

Sun GIF Solutions

Investment and Estate Series

  • Guarantees at a competitive price
  • The ability to maximize estate value
  • Guarantees with potential access to money*

Sun Lifetime Advantage GIF

  • Lifetime guaranteed income certainty
  • Market and interest rate risk protection, through guarantees
  • Guarantees with potential access to money*

Sun Protect GIF**

  • The ability to invest in the market
  • Estate protection with a 100% death benefit guarantee
  • A guaranteed legacy
  • The ability to maximize estate value
  • Guarantees with potential access to money*

1 Sun Life Granite Managed Solutions mutual funds are the underlying investments in Sun Life GIF Granite Managed Portfolios Segregated funds.

* See the information folder and contract for details on the guarantees available. Withdrawals affect the value of contract guarantees.

** Sun Protect GIF is no longer available for new contract sales as of June 1, 2021. Deposits can continue to be made to existing contracts.