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Sun Life KBI Sustainable Infrastructure Private Pool

Why does sustainable investing matter?

Investors are asking




of Canadians are interested in responsible investing solutions1

Forces converging to drive investment


$60T +

To meet the Paris Agreement, at least US $60 Trillion will need to be invested into renewable energy and carbon-reducing technology by 2050.2

World-wide corporate implementation


Investment owners and managers have signed on to the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment since it’s inception in 2005.3

Record inflows



↑ 15%

Between 2018 and 2020, global sustainable investing assets grew to $35.3T 4

Reasons to consider sustainability-focused

Mitigating risk

Return potential

 Improving the world

Aligned with values

Sustainable infrastructure - Insights

There are so many sustainable investing opportunities in global infrastructure.


Find out why

What are sustainable infrastructure assets?

Sustainable infrastructure involves developing roads, buildings, clean energy and water infrastructure with due consideration to economic, social and environmental implications.*

Three areas of focus for this fund:

  • Water

  • Clean energy

  • Agriculture

Why sustainable infrastructure today?

Low yields, inflation uncertainty, and a larger and larger number of Canadians retiring every day have put a spotlight on income needs. Fixed income and credit markets have broadened out and become more complex and equity valuations are high leaving many in search of yield. Infrastructure offers opportunity for strong diversification, stable income and inflation protection.

Why not take it a step further by investing in sustainable infrastructure like governments and corporations are around the world?


  • Strong diversification

  • Stable income

  • Inflation protection

The opportunity:

There are multi-decade forces driving infrastructure investment.

  • The challenge

    • The world is changing, driven by population growth and urbanization
    • Three key resources are under strain: food, energy and water
  • The solution

    • Trillions of investment dollars in clean, efficient energy, water and agricultural technology and infrastructure
    • Invest in companies that are owners or operators of sustainable infrastructure assets



Insufficient supply + Increasing demand for resources + increasing government commitments


Increasing investment in infrastructure + Increasing investment in technology

Source for infographic: Food Demand: Michigan State University, “feeding the world in 2050 and beyond”, 2018. Water Demand: Global Institute, November 2011: “Water and Power Infrastructure”. Energy Demand: US Energy Information Administration, 2019. Power and Water required investment: Brooking Institute, “Delivering on Sustainable Infrastructure”, 2016. Agribusiness required investment: FAO, “The Future of Food and Agriculture, Trends and Challenges, 2017: Land for Farming.“

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Why is it a good time to consider investing in sustainable infrastructure and what can investors expect from the

Sun Life KBI Sustainable Infrastructure Private Pool?

Watch Noel O’Halloran, Director and Chief Investment Officer at KBI Global Investors, explain.

Find out more about KBI Global Investors (North America) Ltd.

World-class expertise and innovation

KBI Global Investors (North America) Ltd.

  • Sub-advisor KBI Global Investors (North America) Ltd. is part of the KBI Global Investors Ltd. Group, headquartered in Dublin, Ireland.
  • A specialist investment management boutique that has been managing sustainability-focused strategies for more than three decades.

Sun Life KBI Sustainable Infrastructure Private Pool

  • Superior growth opportunities

    Designed to capture growing opportunities in listed sustainable infrastructure; globally focused on water and food infrastructure and technological advances in clean, efficient, renewable sources of energy.

  • Stable income + inflation protection

    Exposure to a stable, predictable, income stream by investing in income-generating sustainable infrastructure assets that also offer a hedge against inflation.

  • Sustainability

    Sustainability drivers are built directly into the investment objective and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors are integrated in stock selection.

Advisors, take the next step

* Mandatory fields

*Source: International Institute for Sustainable Development

1 RIA: 2020 Investor Opinion Survey.

2 Energy Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050.

3 Source:

4 Global Sustainable Investment Review 2020

Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.