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How will inflation & negative returns impact my retirement portfolio?

An increasing number of Canadians are retiring, and many before they turn 65. Recent data from Statistics Canada suggests that the number of retirees is up 50%1 and economists warn that this trend may likely continue.  

How will inflation & negative returns impact my retirement portfolio?

An increasing number of Canadians are retiring, and many before they turn 65. Recent data from Statistics Canada suggests that the number of retirees is up 50%1 and economists warn that this trend may likely continue.  

  • March 15, 2023

    Silicon Valley Bank and U.S. Regional Bank Fallout – What it means for Canadian investors

    Canadian markets turned volatile recently due to bank runs in the U.S. Despite the market turmoil, we encourage Canadian investors to stay invested. While bank runs may have limited direct impact on Canadian economy, the U.S. Federal Reserve’s interest rate decision could dictate the tone for Canada.

  • March 08, 2023

    Tips to protect your retirement savings from inflation

    Inflation continues to be a main concern to many Canadians. Here are some strategies advisors can use to protect their Clients' retirement savings

  • February 28, 2023

    Why it’s vital to consider low probability investment risks

    At times, investors tend to underestimate risks that seem unlikely to happen. But potentially high impact risks that have a low probability of occurring are important to consider while building and managing portfolios. Here is a list of such risks that markets could encounter in the short to medium term.

  • February 22, 2023

    Volatile markets? 4 questions to ask your advisor

    Worried about volatile markets? Here are 4 questions to ask your advisor.

  • February 15, 2023

    Why interest rates may stay higher for longer than markets expect

    2023 has just  begun, but so far inflation and interest rates continue to dominate business headlines. Central banks around the world are deliberating what to do next after relentlessly raising interest rates to fight off the highest inflation we’ve seen in the last 30 years. Rate hikes have affected all asset classes and left investors with few places to hide. Inflation, although likely passed its peak, remains elevated and it could be a while until it’s under control.

  • January 13, 2023

    Q4 2022 | Market Update

    Rapid interest rate hikes reset valuations for major asset classes in 2022. We expect the focus to turn to concerns about growth and earnings slowing down in 2023. 

  • December 21, 2022

    Bonds: the worst is behind us

    After a horrendous 2022, bonds look poised for a better year in 2023. We think high quality bonds and their income potential could help portfolios overcome volatility in the year ahead.

  • December 07, 2022

    2023 corporate earnings may be in trouble as consumers lose confidence and inflation fades

    Following the pandemic, most consumers face soaring living costs, job uncertainty and declining home and/or portfolio values. It’s clear that our economy is confronting a big headwind.

  • December 02, 2022

    Housing and jobs data point to a looming recession

    Christine Tan, Portfolio Manager , SLGI Asset Management Inc., discusses how the risk of a recession is now elevated due to a slowdown in housing and a declining consumption as consumers feel the pinch of inflation and higher interest rates. 

  • November 24, 2022

    Has inflation peaked and what now?

    As inflation is top of mind this year and many ask themselves whether or not it has peaked, we are likely transitioning to a environment where economic slowdown becomes the main narrative, explains Chhad Aul, Chief Investment Officer & Head of Multi-Asset Solutions, SLGI Asset Management.