Beware of Brand Impersonation Emails and Phone Calls: Sun Life will never call or email asking for personal, financial or e-transfer information to purchase a GIC or to settle an unclaimed insurance policy.

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Getting started

Why and how Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations matter

ESG integration allows for a more complete analysis of a company’s future potential prospects and viability. Read more on why incorporating ESG factors into every step of our investment process is a key part of strategy.

Why and how Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations matter

ESG integration allows for a more complete analysis of a company’s future potential prospects and viability. Read more on why incorporating ESG factors into every step of our investment process is a key part of strategy.

  • July 14, 2021

    GICs and GIFs: what's the difference?

    GICs and GIFs – while their names are similar, these investments differ in how they work and their purpose. Find out how GICs and GIFs can complement each other in your portfolio. 

  • March 12, 2021

    The value in Segregated fund contracts

    The answer is “insurance” – in the form of death benefit, maturity, and, in some cases, income guarantees.

  • March 10, 2021

    What are GIFs (Guaranteed Investment funds)?

    A key difference is that only insurance companies can offer GIFs. They have benefits that mutual funds don’t, including guarantees and estate planning advantages.

  • July 02, 2020

    Maximize savings for your child's education

    It's never too early to start planning for your child's education. One important consideration is how will you pay for it? The sooner you start saving, the better position you will be in.

  • August 01, 2019

    Series descriptions

    Mutual funds are categorized into different “series” or “classes” which are designed to provide different benefits for investors and/or different compensation arrangements for the advisors that sell the fund.

  • July 11, 2019

    Types of mutual funds

    Get started on learning about the different kinds of mutual funds.

  • July 11, 2019

    Mutual fund fees

    Learn about the different fees associated with investing in mutual funds. What you pay and when you pay it.

  • June 14, 2019

    Inside fee based investing

    Understanding the costs of investing and what you are paying for can help you make more informed investment decisions.